Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A little bit about me...

My name is April Stuart, and I live in Toronto. I cannot remember a time when I did not bake. My mother bought me my first "Robin Hood" apron, chef's hat and oven mitts when I was just 6 years old. Throughout the years, people have begged me to open my own bakery, and I would just laugh it off. But I've realized, that it is not something to laugh about, as it is my dream. Not only that, but I have noticed a trend in the bakery world.  Bakeries are making gorgeous cakes and cupcakes that look like a work of art.  The trouble is, when you take that first highly anticipated bite, it is a complete disappointment.  I may not be able to create a piece of a cake that looks like a Gucci purse, but I guarantee it'll taste amazing!

I wanted to polish up some of my baking skills, so started going to George Brown and am taking their Baking Arts program. I have also just recently signed up for their cake decorating class, which begins in May. So far it has shown me that I definitely know what I am doing. But not only that, it has confirmed my passion and desire to do this for a living!

A girlfriend of mine has so much confidence in me, that she has asked me to make her wedding cake, despite never doing this before! I do hope I do not let her down!!

In the meantime, I have decided to start my food blog and document my baking adventures! I do hope you enjoy following along with my adventure and hopefully drooling at the pics I post.

Love from,
April's SweetShop


  1. Amazing April!!! It is so great to see you follow your dream and I know that you are going to do very well! I am excited to follow along with your baking adventure and even more excited to sample more of your delicious treats! I have to say my absolute favourite of yours is still the brownies :)

  2. I adore your blog Apes!!! Great job!

  3. I've just finished the last of the short bread cookies you sent. Now I'm very sad they're gone. I tried to pace them, and I think I did pretty good, considering. They were quite exquisite! Thanks big sis! I'm proud of your new business adventures.

  4. Thanks so much guys! Your comments are much appreciated!!
